On the day of the autumnal equinox, you take a deep breath, and step into the season with a fresh mind and open heart. How can you make the best of this eerily haunting yet oh-so-charming fall season? The first thing you need to do is remember to be patient and genuinely accept the symbolism behind each season, which ultimately represents a cycle in your life. Westend61/Getty Images Embrace The Autumn Vibes After all, 'tis the season of the harvest, and as the leaves begin changing colors in preparation for those cold winter nights, we begin to see the fruits of our hard labor, in hopes of having enough to provide for the wintertime. It's the beginning of the season of mystery, but also a time of maturity. In particular, the autumnal equinox marks the beginning of fall and the end of summer in the Northern Hemisphere. (Not to worry, stargazers, you'll be reborn again in the springtime.) Spring is your birth, summer is your childhood, autumn is adulthood, and winter is old age, which ultimately leads to death. The seasons are a representation of the circle of creation, as everything in life is cyclical. That means it's the perfect time to talk about what the autumn equinox is and how you should embrace it. Mother Nature's colors are so beautifully vivid, it's kind of hard not to feel her moods shifting all around us. Summer is nearly over, and the sunlight is fading a little more each day, as we inch closer to the autumnal equinox.